
Feel at Ease!

With Your Kids In Bliss

Everything we do is focused on
taking your child into bliss

Janelle Cameron - Founder of KidsInBliss

Janelle Cameron our founder is proud to invite parents and children from all over the world to unite together to discover Kids In Bliss


A Kid in Bliss is a balanced highly functioning child. Being able to reduce anxiety, our programs transform Kids in front of your eyes.


Our friendly characters guide your Kids every step of the way.


Kids In Bliss just love to meditate, play, experience life, interact and communicate more.

For All Ages

Meditation turns chaos into calm, helpless into helpful, drama into dreams
No matter what age KidsInBliss Meditation works.


Bliss Level 1

This is the beginning of something special. It is the place to start as you introduce yourself and your children to the bliss that meditation and breath-work techniques can bring. Calm comes over the home. Peace comes into your family. Schools implementing meditation time see marked improvements on children’s ability to retain knowledge and increased improvements in behavior.
KidsinBliss is the answer you have been looking for for so long. Introduce your family, your children, your school to us and watch how your life is filled with “Kids In Bliss”


Bliss Level 2

There are so many distractions and interruptions demanding attention today. Kids no longer take time out for quiet time, they are constantly bombarded with noise, demands and never get to take time out for them. At Level 2, the ability to meditate is nothing new, yet with the advanced meditations, techniques and training materials, joining Bliss Level 2 will take your family, your kids, your school to a much higher level. Bliss Level 2 is achievable for your family, your school so upgrade today and experience “Advanced Bliss”.


Bliss Level 3

Teenagers have stress levels today higher than many adults. Dealing with puberty, body changes, mood swings, school results, extra activities and relationships are driving many teenagers today to drastic actions. Kids In Bliss invites you to join our community, discover the unfolding opportunities and join us at our webinars, local and international events and so much more. Community is Bliss, with Kids In Bliss. Will you join us today?

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Whose Kids Are In Bliss

We love to hear from families who have Kids In Bliss
Your testimonial is appreciated

  • Yep, this works. I am a solo dad raising 4 kids on my own, 2 boys and 2 girls. It's hard keeping the peace when all they want to do is pretty much kill each other. Well since starting them on Kids In Bliss Meditations my kids have changed... For the better.

    Brian Atkinson
  • I have a 6 month old and this is making my life so much easier. I put a meditation on every time he is upset and within seconds he calms down. As a new mum this is a real lifesaver.

    Jane Thompson
  • OMG, Love it. I have 2 kids that normally get on, then puberty hit and I thought my daughter had turned into a monster. I got her started on Kids In Bliss and what a difference.

    Maria Michaels

